We are a community of Christ's followers
What holds us together is not ethnicity, education, income, or politics. We are a family because in Jesus we have a common allegiance. Christ, with his broken body and shed blood, is at the center of all we do together.
We each come—bringing our unique stories—to journey life together as a community. It is not about uniformity but unity, so that together we may live for Christ.
We would love to welcome you at Eastern Avenue! Whatever your age, sex, race, abilities, economic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity, you are invited to participate fully in our Jesus-following community of faith. God loves you!

Worship with us in person
Sundays @ 9:30am - Traditional service in English led by Pastor Lindsay Small and Pastor Kristy Bootsma
Sundays @ 11:00am - Bilingual service in English and Spanish led by Pastor Bob Rienstra
Wednesdays @ 7:00pm - Bilingual prayer service in English and Spanish led by Pastor Bob Rienstra
Worship with us online
Watch our live stream Sunday mornings at 9:30am on our YouTube channel. You can also watch the recorded service at the time that works best for you.
Listen to our services via podcast! Current and past episodes can be found here: https://eastern-avenue-crc.simplecast.com/
or search for "Eastern Avenue CRC" wherever you get your podcasts.
Upcoming events
March 29
March 30
The Gathering
Sunday, March 23, 5-7pm
A time of worship, dinner, and small groups for all ages. Contact Suzi Bos for more information.
April 4
MS & HS Youth Group Movie Night
Friday, April 4, 7-9pm
Contact Pastor Kristy for more information!