o u r a f f i r m a t i o n s
We would love to welcome you at Eastern Avenue! Whatever your age, sex, race, abilities, economic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity, you are invited to participate fully in our Jesus-following community of faith. God loves you!
our affirmations
These affirmations guide Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church regarding the inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons in our worshiping community.
1. We affirm God loves people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. All are created in God’s image.
2. We affirm that people of all sexual orientations and gender identities are equally eligible to be full members and ministry leaders at Eastern Avenue, without partiality. All belong and can serve.
3. We affirm that the sacraments (baptism, communion) and rites of this church (profession of faith, marriage) are open to all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, without partiality.
4. We affirm that marriage is a gift and call of God for two persons to join their lives in a holy covenant of love and faithfulness.
5. We affirm that the offices of pastor, elder, and deacon are open to all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who are called and equipped to serve God’s people, and who are appointed by the council and congregation.
6. We affirm God’s will for the community of faith at Eastern Avenue to work together with grace and understanding to further God’s kingdom.

Our community has found the following resources helpful:
Eastern's SAfe Listening Team's (SALT) Presentations
The SALT LGBTQ+ EACRC Survey Results - The SALT team presents the results of their recent survey of the Eastern Avenue community.
Biblical Arguments Regarding Same-Sex Marriage - The SALT team presents biblical arguments for and against same-sex marriage.
LGBTQ+ 101 - The SALT team presents LGBTQ+ 101 with guests Pastor Ricardo Tavarez and Jessica Jelsema.
Understanding Gender Identity - The SALT team presents on Understanding Gender Identity.
Classis Grand Rapids East 2016 Same-Sex Marriage Study Report