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Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.  Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs... Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the LORD is good and the LORD'S love endures forever; the LORD'S faithfulness continues through all generations. 

Psalm 100

worship with us

become a part of our family

in person

Sundays @ 9:30am - Traditional service in English led by Pastor Lindsay Small and Pastor Kristy Bootsma


Sundays @ 11:00am - Bilingual service in English and Spanish led by Pastor Bob Rienstra


Wednesdays @ 7:00pm - Bilingual prayer service in English and Spanish led by Pastor Bob Rienstra


Watch our live stream Sunday mornings at 9:30am on our YouTube channel. You can also watch the recorded service at the time that works best for you.


Listen to our services via podcast! Current and past episodes can be found here:

or search for "Eastern Avenue CRC" wherever you get your podcasts.

how we worship

Each week you’ll find these main elements of worship at Eastern, led by different members of our congregation and our pastors:

  • Gathering: we welcome all to worship, praise God in song, receive God’s greeting, and greet each other

  • Confessing: we reflect on our daily lives and receive the assurance that God forgives us

  • Hearing God’s Word: we read a Scripture passage and reflect on it together through the sermon and a song of response

  • Offering: we share our resources out of gratitude and pray for those in need

  • Celebrating: once a month and during special seasons our service includes a time of communion when we remember together that Jesus died for us and offers us new life in him

  • Going Out to Serve: we’re reminded that we’re blessed to be a blessing to others

We enjoy many different styles of music, from hymns to praise songs to spirituals to world music. We use many different types of instruments, including organ, piano, guitar, and drums.

how we welcome

God meets us where we are, so we welcome all God's children to worship as they are. Come whether you know what you believe or aren’t sure, whether you feel like you have it all together or your life is falling apart. Wear what makes you comfortable—jeans and tees, shirt and tie, shorts in summer, whatever! 


During the service, children from pre-school through 1st grade are invited to meet God in age-appropriate ways through Children in Worship. We offer loving nursery care for children up to age 2.


Following the worship service, get to know your family in Christ with coffee and conversation in our Fellowship Hall.

be part of worship

At Eastern, there are many ways to be involved in worship, including singing in the choir, leading the prayers of the people, running the sound booth, and welcoming visitors. We invite you to use your gifts and time to serve as God has called you!


For more information on how to be involved, contact Erin at

we worship bilingually

Experience God's love in multiple languages. We meet every Sunday morning at 11:00am for a time of Christian fellowship with believers from the United States, Mexico, and Central America. Our entire service is conducted in both English and Spanish. Not all of us speak English. Not all of us speak Spanish. But no one is left out of the community we share in the Holy Spirit.

where we worship

We’re located at 514 Eastern Ave SE, in the historic Baxter neighborhood of Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Parking is available in lots to the east and south of the church as well as along the surrounding streets and the western end of Steepleview Apartments lot (map).
Our east entrance is wheelchair accessible, and that's also where you'll find our Welcome Center.

Children and Worship

Our children ages 4-grade 2 gather in our Children & Worship center during the worship service. In community they build their sense of belonging as they engage in age-appropriate worship through stories and activities to reinforce the lessons.

live stream

live stream




Sundays @ 9:30am - Traditional service in English


Sundays @ 11:00am - Bilingual service in English and Spanish


Wednesdays @ 7:00pm - Bilingual prayer in English and Spanish

We are a community of Christ's followers, and we would love to welcome you at Eastern Avenue! Whatever your age, sex, race, abilities, economic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity, you are invited to participate fully in our Jesus-following community of faith.

9:00am-2:00pm Mon - Thurs



Eastern Avenue Christian Reformed Church

514 Eastern Ave SE

Grand Rapids MI 49503


Sundays @ 9:30am - Traditional service in English led by Pastor Lindsay Small and Pastor Kristy Bootsma


Sundays @ 11:00am - Bilingual service in English and Spanish led by Pastor Bob Rienstra


Wednesdays @ 7:00pm - Bilingual prayer service in English and Spanish led by Pastor Bob Rienstra

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